Friday, June 20, 2014

Once in a very long while...

I will try to talk to you

Not to see you again or make you love me again
But just to make sure what we had actually did exist
"a man is himself and his surroundings"
or so I have heard it said
So you have been more than history,
You have been the hands that molded the clay
Like the play dough at a kinder garden,
it is not always the best, the most mold-able, the freshest,
but it will keep your touch, always
The eastern philosophy teaches a way to let go of past love
I don't want that, I feel it would unmake me
I would rather feel that connection, knowing its externality
And live with it. For as a book is written, I consider it a sin to edit it postmortem
And I know I am not dead, but our opportunity is
And so I will remember, cherish, and let go
Knowing that I'll never fully tell you no.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Centellas de rojo, purpura y azul
con la cara de la luna
Ella como una madre, admirando
como sus cachorros descubren el alba.

Entre promesas, sonrisas y culpa
se encuentra una perla fugaz
Brilla y refleja, cual gota de deseo
con el sabor salvaje de la jungla.

La tierra bajo tus pies, piernas y espalda
El agua lamiendo nuestro lecho infinito
El aire arrancando tus suspiros
El fuego refractado en mis pupilas

El alma no escapa por los ojos,
cual brisa placida y fluida
Fuerza su camino, destruyendo, hiriendo, violando
hasta quedar el rostro desnudo y frágil.

La belleza descubierta, por el simple hecho de ser.

Saturday, June 8, 2013


This is now the only way to reach her
This is now my only lifeline
Because I gave my word
And I intend to keep it
I'm sorry for my slurred speech
I'm sorry for my wavering steps
I'm not sorry for my words
I meant them
Like a message in a bottle
Thrown out to sea
I have incredible hope
That it will reach the right person
Thank you for everything you gave me
I will never forget it

Monday, March 11, 2013

It isn't fair.
Every day I meet her, the woman of my dreams
And every day I wish to tear off
A part of my soul to give to her.
The expat with the blue blue eyes
Who wishes ten more years on me
The short brown haired tweaker
Who lit up at a single smile
The blonde Argentine hostess
Starving for her home tongue
Every one of these souls
I wish to devote my life to
But I only have one life to give
And so in fear of giving it away wrongly
I keep it to myself, never knowing
What could be
What will be
What love is
But like a miser with his coins,
I have my stainless heart
To keep me warm at night
Now that I know no other heart
Ever will

Thursday, January 24, 2013

I have tried
So many times
To keep writing

But I can't
It hurts too much

Monday, May 28, 2012


moving from one passion to the next
never stopping
never ceasing
leaving breadcrumb trails
of breaking hearts
and gladdened sighs
some are relieved when i turn my back
some want to grab me and turn me back
but i keep moving
breaking nets
springing traps
some mountains in my path take months to traverse
some hills only a few hours
but i am the rolling turmac of my childhood
i cannot stop
not until i find that mountain
that lofty magnificence
that height i can call home
until then im enjoying the ascents
suffering the descents
and carving every summit
one the cave wall of my soul

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Bugie in due lingue

Un cabron como cualquiera
Who wants so many things
Entre ellas una mujer
It could be any woman
O una sola en especial
Human contact
Sentirese bien con su lugar
In this particular life
Que quiere ver la luna
Without it bringing tears to his eyes
Que quiere ver a su familia
Without having to lie
Y es que cuando tantas cosas se quieren
Not a single one is had
Dinero para salir
Or money for a plan
Una amante para vivir
Or simply hold inside these arms
Una respuesta a la pregunta
That took so much courage to write
O una explicacion al silencio
That I am guilty of as well
Perdoname, no soy para ti
I won't say it to her
Probablemente por eso
The other wont say it to me
Un escape a la seguridad
Of a secure job and a home
Un lugar para descansar
Far away from all this shit
La ciudad que me pario
Seems like it wants to drown me
Con mi propia mierda ahogarme
An escape then, and soon
Y espero no regresar